
你的挑战 - Our Solutions

ag亚游集团官方网站app has a full line of bulk explosive products that are "Fit for Purpose" to help solve your operation's challenges.  Proper product selection with bulk explosives is the first priority and should include a detailed look into geology, 岩石类型, 水, 能源分区, design parameters (fragmentation, 淤泥剖面), 碳足迹和烟雾. 

 你的挑战 ag亚游app网站的爆破解决方案
Increased security concerns and 政府规定 用硝酸铵药片 Say good-bye to ANFO when you switch to 泰坦®
粗糙的层 from poor toe breakage increases equipment maintenance and slows production 泰坦 makes it easy to optimize the explosive column load: more energy in the toe where it’s needed most, transitioning to a lighter load at the top. The result is uniform fragmentation and smoother floors.
潮湿的洞 complicate drilling and loading which make productivity predictions difficult 泰坦 displaces 水 in wet holes and provides variable density so, 湿或干, you can operate with one explosive and one pattern. And you’ll never need to de-水!
问题地质原因 flyrock, blowouts and poor fragmentation 泰坦 tends to stay in the borehole rather than migrating into voids and cracks. 在这些情况下, your blast results are typically more predictable and fragmentation more uniform.
不一致的碎片 减缓生产和  
increases downstream operating costs
泰坦 releases a higher percentage of available energy than ANFO (especially in 3” to 6” holes), shooting at a velocity that delivers high brisance in most 岩石类型s, resulting in superior fragmentation.
Shooting every day increases blast-related 负债 泰坦’s reduced powder factor and increased truck capacity means you’ll be able to load larger patterns - and shoot less often.
无数 氧化氮气体 泰坦 is highly refined and can significantly reduce or entirely eliminate NOx fume generation from your shots. 
劳动力短缺和 慢周期时间 limit advance rates in tunneling and shaft sinking projects
是否漂流, 使井停止或下沉, DynoMiner® systems load fast and easy with a single operator.

泰坦® XL 1000  Repumpable Emulsion Explosive 它是如何工作的
  • A specialized 泰坦 XL 1000 truck transports unsensitized repumpable emulsion to the pattern
  • Small quantities of gassing chemicals are blended into the emulsion as it is pumped into the borehole
  • The gassing reaction senstitizes the emulsion and expands it to  the desired density
  • ag亚游集团官方网站app’s gassing technology enables variable density from 0.90 to 1.25 g/cc to optimize blasting results
  • 泰坦 XL 1000 is ideal for remote locations where a repumpable emulsion storage silo is all that’s needed for on site reloading.
泰坦® 中小企业  Site Mixed Emulsion Explosive 它是如何工作的
  • A specialized 泰坦 中小企业 truck transports heated Ammonium Nitrate solution and other raw materials to the pattern (none of these materials, 落入坏人之手, 很容易引爆)
  • A patented mixing/pumping system combines the ingredients
  • The mixture only becomes explosive after gassing occurs in the borehole
  • ag亚游集团官方网站app’s gassing technology enables variable density from 0.90 to 1.25 g/cc to optimize blasting result
泰坦® 7000 RU  地下 Emulsion Explosive 它是如何工作的
  • 泰坦 7000 RU repumpable emulsion is formulated for use with DynoMiner® loading units in underground construction, quarry and mining operations
  • DynoMiner loading units are available in configurations designed for drifting, 回采或井筒下沉
  • A variety of specialized 泰坦 7000 RU formulations are formulated for uphole loading as well as concrete and sulfide ore compatibility

泰坦® 1000∆E Gassed Emulsion Explosive -  微分能量 Technology 差分能量标志

  • 微分能量 提高安全 due to limited quantity of explosive class material on site, minimized flyrock and face blow-outs and improved highwall stability
  • 微分能量 solves environmental concerns by minimizing post blast NOx fumes and reduces dissolved nitrates in ground水
  • 微分能量 最大化生产力 as one product is used for 湿或干 conditions.  微分能量 enhances size gradation of rock in the blast muckpile, improves the muckpile profile, improves grade control and reduces subdrill.

ag亚游集团官方网站app is the ONLY explosive provider with the technology to achieve 微分能量. 

Contact ag亚游集团官方网站app today to discuss a trial 1-800-732-7534.



Advantages of bulk emulsion over ANFO or other packaged explosive products include:


  1. Easier transport, handling and storage
  2. Universal, detonator sensitive explosive
  3. Accurate explosive consumption count
  4. 充电时间更短
  5. 改善工作环境
  6. 增加了视频点播
  7. 全耦合
  8. 优异的耐水性
  9. 低气体排放
  10. 变密度
  11. 字符串充电
  12. 安全可靠
  13. 更少的烟


Our blasting services experts and explosive engineers can help you find the right blasting supplies and mining explosives to help your company become more profitable.


ag亚游app网站 今天获取更多信息. 1-800-473-2675.

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